

MSDT: #366200

Dahab does not require long descriptions. It is known and liked among divers for many reasons: interesting dive sites, affordable prices, and most importantly – spots available for divers on all levels of expertise. Everyone goes there: with families, with friends and soloists who join diving groups organized in the bases. It’s a diving Mecca.

November is the turn of high and low seasons in Egypt. It was also one of the reasons why we chose this term. 26 ° C in the local climate is a very pleasant temperature that contrasts with what we left in Europe for two weeks.

Out of two weeks of our stay, we have carefully planned only the first, the second leaving ourselves for improvised trips. After this first week, moreover, our group lost in numbers – some people returned to Poland, England and some to Denmark, so we joined others or they joined us.

We started with a bang. Artur was attending the Advanced Trimix Diver (TDI) course and at the same time running courses for his students. Some of the group went to other places for recreational diving. It all took its toll because when suddenly from an average of 4 dives per month you jump to 3-4 times a day and sleep for 5-6 hours, there is no possibility that after a few days you will not feel this overwhelming fatigue. And you want to make the most of time and place … and you don’t have the strength anymore. But you are still diving!

The key and most important dive at the end of the TDI training took place on Thursday, 14th of November. On this day, around 7:30 we set off for the Blue Hole. The descent at 102 meters together with the ascent took 81 minutes. Due to the planned depth, the trimix mixture had to be used not only as bottom gas but because of its hypoxicity, trimix 20/25 had to be used as travel gas as well. As a result, the group dived with bottom gas twinsets, a travel gas stage and two cylinders with decompression gas (50% and pure oxygen). On the shore we have been welcomed with commemorative T-shirts, “hordes” of fans ;), as well as vitamin drinks and the best coffee in the world (with cardamom!).

A day later, we visited BH once again, this time for a calm dive at just over 55 meters, i.e. Arch. In a larger group, the boys were fantastic … you know, experience!

We started the second week with the iconic Canyon, Artur’s second favorite dive site in Dahab. This is a region where depending on your will and experience, you can include technical dives (Full Canyon – 52 m, Neptune Cave – 75 m, Elizabeth’s Canyon – 95 m, Wagner’s Cave – 130 m), or nice and pleasant recreational dives. Laguna, Fish Bowl, Coral Garden – also more romantic at least in a name. Before 9:00 am there were almost no people, and we got to the end of the tide, so there was something to collect and watch on the rocky shore.

Our third visit to Blue Hole (it’s really hard to stop!) with new people … and this time from a different entrance. The same place, but this time recreational equipment and gases. After focusing on aspects that are important for life and health, the time has come to compare documenting equipment. Our GoPro4 was decent, but to be honest – it has its years and its disadvantages (for instance lack of image stabilization, lack of appropriate filters, etc.). Just before leaving, we did a small research on Paralenz Dive Camera+. Everything looked good, but fortunately, we didn’t take advantage of the promotion. One of the divers who accompanied us had this model and it turned out that, unfortunately, the image quality is lower than what GoPro4 gave us. Paralenz has undeniable advantages: a thermometer and a depth gauge displayed on video material, water-resistance up to 200 meters, but unfortunately it has no preview. We decided that for the time being it would be better to use a proven solution with lighting by additional lamps.

The last two dives were visits to Caves and Moray Garden. Jumping to Caves can’t be compared to anything else. Jumping into the water from the shore with the caves directly underneath is an unimaginable experience! You won’t do it anywhere else around Dahab (maybe except the boat). Moray Garden is a really quiet walk, slow and relaxing but also a very good way to calm down diving emotions before leaving.

Is it worth going to Dahab if you’re not diving?

Yes, if:

  • you like to spend time on your own,
  • you understand someone else’s passion and you like it,
  • “your” divers respect your decision and do not exclude you from their company,
  • you can appreciate the charms of the mainland and the specific tourist and gastronomic facilities.

Not if you do not accept any of the points above.

If you are waiting on the shore *:

  • Best coffee and food – Al Capone Restaurant
  • Best beach – Moray Garden
  • The most beautiful area – Caves

* This is very subjective rating 🙂

You can see more videos from Dahab here.

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