

MSDT: #366200

To see underwater

Our eyes do not perform well underwater. We have problems processing images in this environment. Unprotected, they are exposed to contact with impurities that can irritate or even damage them. But would diving with eyes shut really make sense? Diving is not only pleasure derived from a controlled neutral buoyancy, but also the opportunity to experience a completely different, sometimes hostile world. The history of diving is long. In fact, we never parted from the water. This environment guarantees us safety even before we learn how to breathe the air. Curiosity is certainly one of the most important reasons which pushes people underwater; maybe another is the desire to experience the reception specific soundproofing that remains only in the subconscious mind?




Reference list:

[1] W. R. Paton (tłum.), The Greek Anthology, Londyn 1917, vol. 3, s. 158−159, Epigram 296 (Apollonides)
[2] R. F. Marx, The History of Underwater Exploration, Mineola, New York, 1990, s. 11, ISBN 9780486264875
[3] da Vinci L., Codex Arundel, British Library, Londyn
[4] History of diving and NOAA Contributions, “The Noaa Diving Manual: Diving for Science and Technology”, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2001, 4th edition, s. 1−4
[5] Podrazik A., Patentowa(na) historia szkła, „Szkło i Ceramika”, nr 4/2018, s. 34
[6] Wojtusiak R., Hełm nurkowy w zastosowaniu do obserwacji biologicznych morskich, „Wszechświat”, nr 4 (1747), maj 1938, s. 99−105
[7] Samsel J., Wachowski W., Pionierzy polskiej fotografii podwodnej, cz. 1, s. 7, ISBN 978-83-61212-00-3
[8] Chevallier P., Turgeon S., Sarra-Bournet C., Turcotte R., Laroche G., Characterization of Multilayer Anti-Fog Coatings, “ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces”, 2011, 3, 3, s. 750−758 (Research Article), Data publikacji (sieć): 7.03.2011, DOI: 10.1021/am1010964

This article was published also in the Polish scientific magazine “Glass and Ceramics”, no. 1/2020, p. 52−57

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Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Do 2020 r. sekretarz redakcji czasopisma „Szkło i Ceramika” (ICiMB, SITPMB). Zafascynowana szkłem i ceramiką w każdym aspekcie ich powstawania i wykorzystania, w tym historycznymi technikami i technologiami wytwarzania, zdobienia i łączenia z innymi materiałami. Obecnie prowadzi własny portal Szklo-Ceramika.ONLINE i angażuje się w projekty tematyczne

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An IT network engineer by profession. A passionate diver. Active diving instructor and EFR (Emergency First Response & Secondary Care) instructor. Technical diver TDI Advanced Trimix Open Circuit and X-CCR Normoxic Trimix. Closed circuit diving enthusiast.

Z zawodu inżynier sieci informatycznych. Z zamiłowania płetwonurek. Czynny instruktor nurkowania oraz instruktor EFR (Emergency First Response & Secondary Care). Nurek techniczny TDI Advanced Trimix Open Circuit i X-CCR Normoxic Trimix. Entuzjasta nurkowania na obiegu zamkniętym na X-CCR.